All About You

Hey y’all. Come in and sit a spell. I am really working the southern belle angle today. I’ll also be serving sweet tea and biscuits on the veranda. Rhett just got back from Charleston. He will direct you outside. 

Anyway, silliness aside. I haven’t been writing as much creatively lately, because I’ve been writing more in academic sense. I could share with you, but I think you would be bored to tears. I do hope to get back into poetry mode soon. I also apologize for not being able to keep up with your wonderful blogs like I used to. I really miss reading and commenting. When things slow down, I look forward to catching up. I just wanted you all to know that I haven’t forgotten you.  OK, not that y’all would be devastated if I had,but anyway. Just know unlike Rhett, I do give a damn. 

In other news, is Donald Trump for real???!!!

And things I wonder about some my fellow bloggers. These are the questions that demand to be answered

Has Alex shaved his beard yer?

How are Tony and his jersey girl faring? I so want a love like that. Tony, do you have a brother?

Wil ;Casey really put on the kilt?

Will Eric stay penciltastic?

Will the lovely lady, Randy become my new matchmaker?

Will Rob reveal anymore of his personalities?

Will Paul join an Air Supply cover band?

Will gyn rat Paul keep being a gym rat?

Will Niles ever score Norah Jones?

Will Oghen ever buy me a pint?

And so many more questions. However, I think Rhett is just about ready to sweep me off my feet and carry me up the stairs.

Or maybe I just need to sweep the stairs. Who can say for sure?

I will leave you with a song. This goes out to each and everyone of you. I am such a cheese ball.

44 thoughts on “All About You

      1. Nice! You are a more remarkable individual than I first suspected! I’ve a BS in IS&T with apps currently in for an EMBA offered jointly by Columbia U here in NYC and the London School of Business. Good luck to us both! —CC

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I loved studying law but the final exams were horror. I hope that is different in the US. I’m unfortunately not that great. Stressed out and I’m just not able to relax

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Dear Tosha: As someone who writes critical, thoughtful and meaningful messages myself. I welcome the new and enhanced version of you… What does mean exactly? While I do love a good poem, The BOOK OF Psalms, Songs Of Solomon, Maya Angelou, Robert Frost and Dr. Seuss. it is important to express realism and thoughtful ideas. You so graciously incorporate all of that. Your fire of creativity, your sense of wonder has expanded. I will support and LIKE any writing you do because you are you…

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Well if there is one thing I can agree on is this, All the nicest people come from Canada. That I can agree with Streep on.That comment she didn’t phone it in however her films are another topic all together. Personally though I refuse to pay evil with evil so I am going to take Solomon’s advice. “There is a time to be born, there is a time to die, there is a time for war, there is a time speak and there is a time to silent.” I choose the latter except when it comes to Chaplin non technicolor films.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Sure I’ll buy you a pint, but I’m sure you’re the devil of a woman to drink with!! 🙂

    That song sounded like the theme to some tv soap, but I must say I did enjoy it – very sweet!

    There be a change a’coming – (I don’t know why I adopted an Irish / Pirate accent for my reply today) But I feels it in me bones! Suns acumen, mind my words I tell ya! Cheers, m’dere for the mention 😀 ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Top of the mornin to you, Lucky Charms
      . Can’t wait to drink you under the table and beat you at pool. Ha. I’m actually a lightweight with the spirits and I can’t play pool. Shhhh!


      Liked by 1 person

  3. Just you wait, Lady!!! I promise I won’t be bored. You should share with us your writing of the non-creative type. Maybe we’ll learn something instead of wasting away on these interwebs…

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Haha! Matchmaker, Matchmaker! Our music teacher was like Casting Central for our actual lives. Hodel ran away with a revolutionary man who was always bucking traditions etc. Sounds kinda like me.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Well, since you asked, Jersey girl and I are faring very well. One week to go until I leave Melbourne for the last time and join her in my (soon to be) adopted land.
    I do indeed have a brother but he’s married (to a nice girl from Texas as a matter of fact).

    Liked by 2 people

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