Finding Bliss in The Abyss

Not even the sun saw me retreat.
I swallow my sadness whole.

You may ask what is it good for?
Where can it take me?

I need its darkness to find
the light, to show me the
way toward creativity

I draw blood from its
silhouette, and write
among its shadows.

I walk through purgatory
to find words.
A delicate concoction of arsenic
and ink mark my descent.

-Tosha Michelle

Abstract art by me.

69 thoughts on “Finding Bliss in The Abyss

      1. I just got home from work. I shook a martini and hope that some of Mr. Fitzgerald’s inspiration hits me before I have to be up with a small princess in the morning!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.”
    ― Joseph Campbell sometimes is the abyss our door.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. By the way… I like your abstract art… 🙂 I would like to meet you in the future, if I travel through america. Maybe you can show me the most beautiful places? I would enjoy that.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Your abstract painting is incredibly good and fits so well with your dark poetic tone. Your poems have shifted towards a dark tone of expression. Which by the way a good thing and wow!

    These words caught me:

    I draw blood from its
    silhouette, and write
    among its shadows.

    A mega surrealism of metaphor and perfectly well executed. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Bonjour TOSHA
    Ton amitié c’est un rayon de lumière
    Une tendresse journalière
    Un doux morceau de bonheur
    Telle la douceur d”une fleur
    Je viens déposer une petite recette sur ton blog que j’apprécie
    Alors, je me dis
    As-tu déjà ouvert ton internet .Es tu là ! Oui ou non
    Ce n’est pas bien grave tu trouveras bien mon petit mot
    Je venais juste te faire un petit coucou
    Passe une bonne journée en ce vendredi

    gros bisous


    C’EST MOI LOL après un petit passage à vide

    Liked by 1 person

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