Willfully Wild


If your going to love,
love wilfully and wildly,
like a leaf on the wind
soaring out,
with abandonment.
Burn yourself through
for passion.
Make an altar of greater than.
Praise longing and
its insanity

Love bold men,
the ones like red umbrellas
with strong wooden
handles, and a fancy inscription,
big and deep, that makes you
feel like the daintiest
of ladies out for an
afternoon stroll,
his sheltering arms
keeping out the misty rain.

Let every idea you have
be love.
Study him like
you would the curve
of the horizon.
Follow your instinct,
lose the pattern.
Go where he goes.
Don’t let the sun disappear.
Let it swell
and put him first,
draw him closer,
until he believes in you
and the sky trembles
when you touch.

into his eyes, his thighs,
the pulse of his being.
Fall into ripeness, rightness,
until time is stripped away,
and your soul is cast in
forethought. Forethought
brushed in red and heat.
Never to be an afterthought.

If you’re going love, love
willfully and wildly until
you are spent, until the stars
shatter over the white tips
of pillowcase as two lovers
fall out of God’s mouth into

-Tosha Michelle

My cover of The Eagles “Desperado” for Sunny Day

45 thoughts on “Willfully Wild

  1. Agree with Wendy. The umbrella image to start off with is well-utilized and powerful…the poem and cover (as usual) just as impressive. Great work.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this. I think it’s a great poem absolutely oozing passion and a celebration of life and love. Can I ask you a couple of questions about the red umbrella? Did you see this photo first, then write the poem? Did you take the photo? Do you have a red umbrella??! I think it’s a terrific piece of imagery.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. The picture was the inspiration behind the imagery. Note, I did not take it, The photo was actually posted by a friend of mine on Facebook. I truly appreciate you reading and commenting. πŸ™‚


  3. I take a lot of photos and I’ve been posting on my blog for a few years now. At some point, I don’t know when, I realised that the posts I enjoyed doing most, and which others seemed to like most, were the ones where I started with a photo then wrote a bit about what that image sparked for me. Almost 100% of my posts are like that now. So your starting with the image particularly attracted me. When I read your poem I thought “I wouldn’t be surprised if you actually have a red umbrella” – because in the poem the umbrella has such authenticity and a feel of what’s really been experienced. (OK, not just the umbrella! But lines about the umbrella were strikingly convincing!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love photography. I’m huge fan of surreal imagery. How wonderful that your own photos act as your muse. By the way. although I don’t have a red umbrella. I do have a pink one. Yes, I am such a girl. Honesty, I love vintage anything. and umbrellas aren’t the exception. The older ones hold an appeal.


  4. Beautiful words here (and so, so true), Tosha. And what a wonderful rendition of one of my favorite Eagles songs! Words and music are in perfect harmony, my friend. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love the message – if you’re going to love, be immersed in it. You are a brave soul! Doing an acapela version of a famous song like Desperado. I think that you nailed it and it’s one of your best interpretations. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve thought about it. You would think the translation from poetry to song lyrics would be easy. I struggle with it. I think I over think it. I never do that with my poetry. Some might say I should. Ha

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh ya, I’m sure it would be great. Being that you are also a musician, you should be able to do something really cool if you work at it. I’m sure if you gave it a shot you’d surprise yourself.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. After a long and torturous day at work (meetings all day and away from my work computer) lo and behold is this amazing poem and even more amazing song from my absolute favorite poet (that would be you πŸ™‚ !!). I am so thankful and humbled….now my day has truly become sunny!

    thank you Tosha!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m the “bull” (Taurus) in the china shop…..extremely loyal and not too quick to anger (hence I tend to put up with way too much “crap”….pardon my French)….but when I am pushed too far…look out-LOL!

        My mom is a virgo πŸ™‚

        and I forgot to say that your speaking voice is as melodic as your singing voice!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’ve known a few of your kind over the years.. Meh. I’m kidding. I’ve always gotten a long well with Tauruses. Slow to anger us a good trait. I use to be quite the hot head. I’ve mellowed with age and wisdom. Thanks again for the blog love. I really appreciate you taking time to stop by. Oh and thanks for liking my 12 year old speaking voice. Ha! Hope your day goes much smoother than the previous one. Hello to your awesome Virgo mom.


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