Suki, Lattes, Chaos, and Gratitude


I’ve learned that expectations can often lead to heartache. Assumptions can lead to misunderstandings. I try to adhere to the following rules.(not sure “rules” is the right word ) Live what you speak. Hope without reason. Love without conditions. Give without expectations. Dream without limitation, but never deluded yourself.  Be, and let be.  Of course, maybe, I am full of sh**. Kicking boxing, hiking, and darting throwing, can’t hurt either.


I know. Why you gotta be so rude? My mom hates this picture.

OK. Thanksgiving is coming up. I thought I would blog about a few things I am grateful for. Of course, giving it my weird spin. It goes without saying, that I am thankful for my family and friends. Their love and support is everything. I am also grateful for the beauty of nature, the soulfulness of music and the escapism of books.

Now, for my unconventional list of gratitude

I’m thankful I grew up in a time where reading was valued, reality wasn’t scripted, and social networking happened on a playground, a time before sexing, the Kardashians, Kesha, skinny jeans,and so called “real” housewives


I’m grateful that Pumpkins Spice Latte season is over. (UGH)


In the same vein, I am stoked, it is the season of Peppermint Mocha Lattes (yummy)


I’m thankful my celebrity crush, Timothy Olyphant was born. (hubba, freakin, hubba)


I’m so grateful, I am petite.  I lie. In my next life, I plan on having legs that won’t quit instead of a mouth.


I’m thankful my mom didn’t name me Suki. Yes, it was a contender. Seriously, WTH? We are of Irish and Scottish descent. Southern, etc. Suki. really?. Tosha is bad enough.  However….


Finally, I’m thankful for my current jam. Banks get me. 🙂