
Happy Sunday. Y’all, oh my gosh, “A Star is Born” is amazing. Lady Gaga gives a Judy Garland worthy performance. I could gush all day about it, but this isn’t a movie review blog. However, my cat’s been wanting to get into the WP game and he’s always considered himself a bit of a critic, so….  Although,  I think he’s better suited to be a food critic. 

Anyway, a poem for you. Oh and. Tucker says you really should see “A Star is Born” Honestly, he thought the film was going to be about his birth.  Silly boy 😜💕
Tell me why everything
is rarely enough in a
world that is collapsing.
The sky nothing more
than cornbread crumbs.

Why do we not
notice this?

Tell me how we got lost
in a word of logins, of likes,
of tweets, a web of passwords?
Tell me why people are disposable,
and we are constantly
judging our life
by the lives of others?

When I hear music,
my life shifts.
Layers of overstimulated
brain cells shed
their skin.

Dress me
in your melody.

Let your tune speak
of shattered knees,
barbwire fences
cutting into roads.
Sing me
your pain.

I’ll share my song
with you.

I’ll tell you in notes
both high and low
how I’ve suffered
and survived.
How peace is the
county I want
to live in,
but I sometimes get
stuck in customs instead.

How hard it hurts
to fall, to fall,
but each bruise,
each disappointment is
a testament that
our system is still
functioning and
there are melodies
still left to be sung.

I’ll sit beside you as
you serenade me
and I sing the notes
back to you
as we finally pay
attention to the

The evening opening
up like a meteor,
a tail of a comet
waves to us as it
touches the sidewalk.
Satellites fall. For the moment,
heaven comes closer,
entranced by our song.

-Tosha Michelle

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