Own the Years


Before the years vanish
Let your body wander.
Be a lover, a traveler.

Let the theatrical lights
shine on you.
Bathe in the syllables
of adventure.

Crown the stars, and
dine on constellations.
Drink up the sunlight.

See the Nile, and tropical islands.
Take note of each sunset,
the mountains, the ocean.
Don’t let there be
a single empty page
in your life book.

Be a door swung open,
withhold nothing.
Dare to do, so you have
no regrets.

Don’t let your life
be haunted by dreams
that happened elsewhere,
and to someone else.
Haunted by the ones you never met,
the journeys you failed
to take.

Lift your arms up
and embrace what you make be.
Belong to the jungle,
the marketplace,
the English cottage,
the abbeys of Italy,
the domes, and to all
the scenes of your life.

-Tosha Michelle

67 thoughts on “Own the Years

  1. Beautifully written, with a taste of elegance…

    i also see that you have been stopping by another part of deletedangel,

    a throwback of my long ago memories…

    That’s where it all started many years back within several blogs later…

    i deeply thank you,

    kisses chris

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tosha, this piece grabbed me from the title. I love to read stuff about swimming in the river of experience. It is really well written. I want to recommend a book to you. It’s called Phenomenal: A Hesitant Adventurer’s Search for Wonder in the Natural World by Leigh Ann Henion. Fantastic read.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This piece resonated with me, travelling is such an experience and changes anyone who does it.
    Donā€™t let your life
    be haunted by dreams
    that happened elsewhere,
    and to someone else.
    Haunted by the ones you never met,
    the journeys you failed
    to take. < what a series of lines šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome:) I will be calling in to 3102317484 tomorrow before 2 PM Est? Would you say that I should have a couple of pieces with different styles ready to read, discuss and explain? I am looking forward to it:)

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Very inspiring u should try writing a novel and see the next jk is doing poetry hollywood needs to see ur poems and i may emai a few to wb and say make a script out of raven drowning barbie its there a script

    Liked by 1 person

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