An Introvert Goes to a Party.


Tonight, I’d rather be home
getting lost in antique spines.
Craving the casual, yoga pants
and T-shirt. .Ditching this party
and dress. I can’t relate to
razzle dazzle, hoity toity
The desire for loud. My
symphony has always
been quiet.

These people
are a splinter in my isolated
hope chest for one. They
are a complex Allegory of
celebratory nothingness
Outward they glimmer
Inward, just a flicker.

I’m my own mistress of
distraction, mapping out
a poem in my head,
as some fool
in a too tight corset
tells me stories
about her latest boyfriend
who has a love for the
voluptuous and shallow.
The latter is just
an assumption on my

As the clock ticks
inside my head,
sounding more
like bedtime, bedtime,
than tick tock. I note
the exit, I must reach
it before I’m tempted
to try hemlock.

I escape into wallpaper
border and sit down by
a napping cat. I stencil
my name on a gravestone
of banality and toss my
party dress off a bridge

I dissolve into particles
of light and reemerge in
bathwater of blessed
tranquility. I find kismet
with my bath mate, the
one I love-Solitude

We celebrate lavender and
quiet things. Afterwards,
I put on a night gown
of silence and
climb under a blue
comforter, under the
bluest of moon.
Finding serenity
in the stillness

-Tosha Michelle

87 thoughts on “An Introvert Goes to a Party.

  1. I agree with you 100%!
    I love the hoity-toity word ; ) Perfect!

    My husband is a Physician, and we have many of them these types of functions. I dread each and every one. The winter ones will be here soon! Yay me!

    Great writing! Loved this!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You only splurge on those that appreciate the splurge, how is that anything other than good sense. Good for you. You are worthy of the splurge, it makes you the “best” you, you can be. Congrats.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Okay, I’m so with you at this party … heck, I think I’ve been to this party! Love the illusions here, the word play, the tone/voice — everything about it is sweet! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. There’s nothing like a soothing bath, soft music and a nice glass of wine to relax. I too love my solitude and dislike large parties with everyone talking over one another. I stand with my fellow introverts. As usual, you captured it perfectly, Tosha.

    Ellie :)xo

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Most excellent and profound poem.:) I also am introverted and despise loud noise. Give me solitude, a good book and a blank page to write upon, and I’m stellar. Great minds think alike!


  6. I think that I have had my fill of large gatherings for one life. After a short career playing night clubs in a band, I think that I enjoy receding to the quiet company of a few friends over the raucous nature of large parties.


  7. From one introvert to another…I loved this! I would ditch the party any day and rather be curled up on the couch with a good book, soft blanket and soothing cup of tea. The poem is fabulous 🙂 !!


  8. “I’m my own mistress of
    distraction, mapping out
    a poem in my head,”

    This is so true: now I discovered app-driven WordPress, instead of (as well as) snapping photos in the street, I find myself tapping poems too … 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Can totally relate to this except that I do go to parties if there is a charity cause to support. Else I really can’t be bothered and just recently had to refuse to go to one despite the fact I really liked and respected the person who invited me. I guess we have a lot in common 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  10. This is pure brilliance…brilliance and elegance…I can so relate (although, I don’t have your glamorous flare)….I love this post!!!!!! Thank you for sharing….I mean, I love, love, love it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. You’re not a hope chest for one or an introvert. Not saying you’d get drunk now and be dancing on tables. But you have a lot of things that happened and it resonates gracefully in your poetry and more so in your songs. The hurt is clearly heard and done so wonderfully. I too fall into what I feel are comfortable places and feelings and think of the impending future and the past that rocked me to the core. It is always good to have someone taking and having your back.:)

    Liked by 1 person

  12. For the record, I think you’d probably look PENCILTASTIC in a party dress. But I understand completely. Cheers to you, Poetess, in your own warm safehaven filled with yellowed pages and hardcover dreams. 😉 ♡

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I am glad you liked my response:) I have not asked and would not regarding your past. I have shared and it is bc of who I am. I do not like to ever have someone wonder and take the good with the bad. Sometimes it is pretty damn hard and I am sure you know all about that.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. We all have some chapters, don’t we? Hard to start over with a rear view mirror stalking you at times. Mine is pointing South and or West.

        Liked by 1 person

  14. People don’t understand us and don’t want to, either. I’m off work on Thursdays and Friday morning everyone’s asking if I had a great day off like I was going to fly to Hong Kong for a day. They can’t fathom the idea of not doing anything by yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Exactly how I feel about parties 90% of the time. 🙂 I prefer a quiet evening at home much of the time. Love this part, maybe because blue is my favorite color! 😀

    “We celebrate lavender and
    quiet things. Afterwards,
    I put on a night gown
    of silence and
    climb under a blue
    comforter, under the
    bluest of moon.
    Finding serenity
    in the stillness”

    Liked by 1 person

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