
I may never go home again
My new lover likes to
feed me cake
and serves iced
champagne for breakfast.

He clothes me in himself
and says I wear him well

I wonder if he knows
I would go anywhere
with him
Even if we had to live
on pocket change
and the tic tacs
in my purse

At night we lie in bed
and make soulful art
He traces his name
on my body in heavy script
And I paint his concrete
city with graffiti

Afterwards, we lay
heart upon heart
and he beguiles me
with stories
of ancient mariners.
and sanguine times
I marvel at his semantic fusion

In the morning, he wakes me
with soft kisses
before he goes to work
I always link my fingers
with his
as we say goodbye
Two branches entwined

I hesitate to let him go.
Fearful there will come a time
when I wake up and find that
Michelangelo has left the chapel

And I’ll wonder
if I imagined him,
and he imagined me,
until there is nothing
left just paint splattered
dreams, the tragedy of a moment lost, an a anthem of some place we’ve never been.

Tosha Michelle

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