The Grudge


I watered the grudge with a
fervent devotion of a priest
giving communion. I watered
it with the determination of
a drunk on his fourth glass
of gin. The destructive
clockwork of a not so
righteous self.

The cactus in my heart
erupting. I watered it everyday
with a can of venom. My hands
blistering over from the hate.
The fluid and its dark nutrients
taking root, until the petals
bloomed over and clotted my
brain, until there was nothing
left but arid air, laced with
regret, and the silence of
time wasted. The stale
taste of a garden grown
on the wreckage of malice
Gone. The long reign of
bitterness. The tight reign
of hurt feelings. The shards
of anger, shaken from my
eyes. I finally see the sterile
landscape clearly.

How the realization stings.

-Tosha Michelle

49 thoughts on “The Grudge

  1. After reading your most recent poem, Issues, I was quite surprised to scroll down and find this wonderful gem… It was then I realized the absentness and simplicity of Issues must have been intentional. This poem is the exact reverse of that, so alive with euphemism and so tenderly displayed… real emotions young poet… enjoyed this much.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I did write Issues in a form that APPEARS simple. However, there is a lot of subtext in it. Subtext that is quite deep. I intentionally left things unsaid .The narrative goes far beyond what is actually on the page.

      happy you liked The Grudge. It’s nice to know it struck a chord. I appreciate you stopping by.


  2. I know what you mean…. A lot of my own poetry retains its most special meanings purely for me – things left unsaid in the poem itself that would otherwise change the readers perception of it. It’s selfish of me in a way – reading things in my own poems that bring explicit feelings of joy to me – but am happy when someone else enjoys it for whatever they find there as well. In fact, one of my favorite poets once said ‘I don’t write poetry for other people. I write it for myself. But it makes me so very happy to know that others like it.’ , Sylvia Plath.


    1. Plath it’s one of my favorites too. I I actually got a lot of positive feedback on Issues. Mostly, from women who picked up on the themes of abandonment,self worth and childhood trauma. Poetry, as any form of art is so subjective I’m always happy when someone reads one of my poems and feels a connection. However. utimately, like you, I write for myself, but always with the hope that my words resonate. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  3. “Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
    How does your garden grow?”

    With a little love and water the grudge can flourish, ๐Ÿ˜‰ growing out of control, it can even have a mind of its own. Wonderfully creative, a great start to my Friday. ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy the day. ~ Mia

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