Wanderlust in Boots.


In London, I finally

understood to be happy,

I can’ t regret. I can’t

be the ballerina in

a box waiting for

someone to turn

the key, trapped on

a platform of fear.

The key belongs to

me. I am the music.

I chose when I dance.

I discovered this while

navigating my way around

the city.

I became wanderlust in

leather boots, pleasantly,

disoriented by the

history. The city itself

a museum. On my own

for the first time. Alone,

with the wind of my mind.

I started to realize

that this “delicate” little

flower could survive

without water, that it

could grow anywhere.

I didn’t know it then

but my own history

was falling into place

as if Aristotle had flown

in from Greece (by way of

Great Beyond Air) to

help me make sense

of life.

It’s the little things

that change us,

that help us gain

knowledge of ourselves

the self that sometimes

needs to shatter.

Getting lost in

Greenwich Park

Sitting on a bench

unseen in the fog.

The bird that refused

my bread.
(The little bastard)

I swear I heard him chirping

stop trying to be responsible

for fixing everyone

Sitting in a cafe debating

the work of Turner after

visiting the Tate.

Just missing the

train for the airport.

Stopping by the gift

shop selling postcards

of London Bridge and

plastic keychains, making

me realizes I’ve had

enough of disposables.

Waltzing into pubs

and new situations.

Dizzy from dancing.

and finally believing

I knew the steps

Finally understanding

the beauty of missteps.

-Tosha Michelle

22 thoughts on “Wanderlust in Boots.

  1. London is a living history book of sorts, isn’t it? I read McCartney’s autobiography, and his recollection of London was like a fairy tale. Sorry that I can’t comment on foundation, though. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is lovely, Tosha, really so lovely. I understand it, too. My “London” is Berlin — and I’d go back there in a heartbeat if I didn’t have to fly to get there (I’ve developed something of a “fear of flying” in my adulthood). πŸ™‚


  3. It’s the little things that change us, that help us gain knowledge of ourselves….
    so true…it reminds me of the spiritual writer, Thomas Moore, who once said (and I am paraphrasing here) that there is sacredness in the everyday things of life…..sometimes the simplest things can give us a flash of insight…

    I love your take on London, one of my favourite cities…..

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am so happy to hear that you can travel everywhere. As you said,started to realize

    “that this β€œdelicate” little

    flower could survive

    without water, that it

    could grow anywhere.”
    Home is where your feet are…on earth..

    Liked by 1 person

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